Monday, August 10, 2009

Week II: Convergence + Technology = Technological Convergance

According to the Ivy League folks over at Princeton, the term 'convergance' is the occurance of two or more things coming together. When this term is applied to the realm of technology, it refers to the intertwining of two or more pre-existing technologies, which should produce a technology more convenient and better-suited in performining similar tasks.

Examples of Convergent Technology:

1) Skype: Skype is a free-to-use software program that allows people who use it to communicate- both through voice calls and video conferencing- to other users over the Internet, and in some cases, to landlines and mobile phones. This program can also be used to share files and send instant messages/SMS to other poeple aswell. More information can be found here. Nice to know that this software wasn't developed by 20-something American computer-nerds/college-dropouts in their parent's garage.

A diagram of essentially how Skype functions.

2) The Iphone (or any "Smart Phone"): The Iphone is one of the best examples of convergent technology in the modern age. It retains the purposes of a phone- calling, sending & receiving text messages- whilst at the same time intertwining pre-existing technologies: it serves the role of an MP4 player (plays music and videos), a computer (can send/receive emails, browse the internet), a GPS-system (can access maps) and a portable-gaming console. God favours the undertakings of Steve Jobs.

The Iphone with four of it's central features: GPS, Internet access, MP4 and of course, being a mobile phone.

3)Refrigerator-TV: Okay, I guess it's cool that the powers that be have combined the everyday necessity of an fridge with the endless entertainment value of a television. But unless you sold your shares in Apple and have bought this for your holiday home in Cape Cod, I highly doubt that this piece of convergent technology is entirely practical and needed in the everyday home. Sure, your friends will be impressed but your wife will be asking why you didn't buy a TV for the living room; last time she checked, that's where people actually watch their television.

Just in case you lack any imagination, this is what a refrigerator-tv looks like.

4) "Spy" Pen Camera: Besides James Bond, there is a niche market out there for camera devices in everyday items that don't resemble a camera. Like this pen. I have a feeling that it's used for more sinister reasons than "home security", but I'll pass judgement this time. According to OZ Spy, "This video pen camera has colour video and audio with real time date and time stamping. The built-in 4GB memory gives 16-hour audio/video recording in AVI format and the super sensitive microphone can record sound with-in a 15 square metre range." Whatever you do, don't bring this on first dates. Or any dates.
Cool when you're 13. Liable for charges when you're 30.